Fun Facts About Wine in Miami – More info 305-262-2465

Fun facts about wine Wine is an age-old custom that has been passed down through the generations. Therefore, obviously fun facts about champagne have also been passed. It’s a complex cocktail that takes years to master the flavor. Every bottle is infused with history and science. You might not be aware that there are a plethora of strange and weird wine facts. After all, wine has a long and illustrious history that covers almost the whole globe. So keep reading to learn some fun facts about wine, and then amaze your pals with your newfound knowledge while sharing a bottle of Bordeaux with them.


The fear of wine, known as oenophobia, is genuine

Obviously, none of the people we know suffer from this fear, and we’re prepared to guess that neither do our readers, but you never know. The word is derived from the Greek words oeno, which means wine, and phobia, which implies dread. We’re curious whether there’s a fear of running out of wine while all the stores are closed. Nevertheless, this is certainly one of the most interesting facts about wine.


Wine is good for your heart

Is it true that a glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away? That appears to be the case. Although the cardiac benefits of wine are still being studied, studies suggest that the antioxidant properties in wine can help avoid cardiovascular disease and raise high-density lipoproteins (the “good” form of cholesterol). It may also reduce your chances of getting a stroke. Of course, the best approach to get the benefits of wine is to drink it in balance. This is one of the most magical fun facts about red wine.


The oldest bottle of wine is very old (No kidding)

The oldest known bottle of champagne was discovered in a Roman grave in 1867. The Historical Museum of the Palatinate in Speyer, Germany, has this 1,693-year-old bottle of wine. Don’t get your hopes up about trying this ‘antique’ version; not only would the museum refuse to open it, but they also won’t touch it for fear of dropping or damaging it. This is certainly of the best fun facts about wine as well as the best example of wine facts funny.


France once had a cocaine wine

Vin Mariani wasn’t your traditional French wine brand in 1863. Six milligrams of coca leaves were mixed with one ounce of Bordeaux wine to make the mixture. Two to three glasses per day were recommended for adults, but just one to two glasses for youngsters. The cocktail was a great smash, spreading beyond Paris to London and even New York. However, when drugs regulations tightened in the early 1900s, this wine became prohibited. Pity, but you can’t deny this is one of the most iconic champagne fun facts,


There’s a reason for the custom of toasting

Ancient Rome was the first to toast, but not with clinking glasses. To alleviate the flavor of highly acidic or unpleasant wine, the Romans would put toasted or burnt bread into it. That is so distant from today’s custom of toasting but it definitely is an example of fun facts about wine.

Wine certainly has a very colorful history as well as a lot of weird components. We hope you enjoyed this article on fun facts about wine.